It Changed My Life
Heather recently posted a list of things (in no particular order) that changed her life. Here are some of mine:
- Getting on that boat w/ my future wife @ a Wesley Foundation retreat in Mississippi
- Moving back to Oxford and mistakenly receiving a former tenant's CD of Tim Keller in the mail
- Being adopted by Maddie and Webb
- Listening to "Transit" @ Allan's urging
- Dave Roberts stealing second
- Going to Sydney Stevens' baptism @ Christ Church
- My first dip of Copenhagen
- Learning to read
- "The Gospel in a Pluralist Society" and "The Cost of Discipleship"
- MHD and the original Monday Night Group
- Dunkin' Donuts "regular"
- Discovering I could manipulate people by singing near them
- Cookouts on Bart Stevens' deck
- Some threes: C. S. Lewis, Lesslie Newbigin and Tom Howard; Chris Carter, Aaron Sorkin and David Simon (watch the interview that follows Remnick's to see just a few of the myriad reasons I love David Simon); Michael Card, DWebb and David Wilcox
- Finding the Sacrament of Confession
- My iPod
At 1:05 PM,
Unknown said…
good stuff;)
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