[Rough Draft]

A weblog about god, doubt, insomnia, culture, baseball


shindell sighting

i went to church tonight. to my kind of church, that is. and maybe nobody else there had church, but i did.

i've been waiting to see richard shindell @ the birchmere for months, since way before we moved to alexandria even. we walked in just as he was sitting down w/ his guitar, the lights already down, and as soon as i heard him start singing i had tears in my eyes. i know, i know: it's weird that this guy has that effect on me, but something in his voice just tears me apart.

the whole show was wonderful. tears made frequent appearances (still weird). but why was it like church to me? i can't explain it, really. i know a little of richard's story, not much. i know he went to union theological seminary for a bit, but it didn't take (he lived in a zen buddhist monastery for a while, too); i know he has a daughter he sings about ("grey green" on vuelta); and i know his songs are just shot through w/ grace. just listen to "transit" sometime, and you'll see what i mean. i have this feeling that i'll sit w/ him in the new jerusalem someday (assuming i make it; he's got his ticket, i'm sure of it) and listen to him play for hours.

so, god met me @ a bar tonight. thanks, richard.


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