[Rough Draft]

A weblog about god, doubt, insomnia, culture, baseball


bling, bling

spent the weekend in boston @ diocesan convention, and was able to attend christ church for mass on sunday. i do love that place. and the fact that their bulletins read like this only makes me love it all the more!

(look closely)

has pumpkin; will party.


s'long red



marriage counseling w/ an oomph

i've been meaning to post a picture of this for a while, apropos of absolutely nothing. it's just that every time i drive by it, i giggle.

dc4free#18: punkin' patch

last saturday was a bright, crisp autumn day in the city, so we . . . left.

continuing a longstanding october tradition for the wood family, begun back in our days @ st. peter's in oxford, we visited a pumpkin patch. this year's outing was to the patch hosted by immanuel church-on-the-hill in alexandria, right next door to vts. we had great fun, got to wear sweaters, ate a couple of cupcakes and brought home about 15 pumpkins (12 for ellie's classmates).

dc4free#17: national book festival

sorry for being tardy in posting this, but life in the cap city has been hectic. still, nadie found time to take the kids to another freebie a couple of weekends ago. this time it was the national book festival on the national mall. as you can see, curious george made an appearance (and, apparently, groped my family), much to everyone's delight.


adopting your enemy

"Christ has adopted the enemy. He has adopted us. His call to us in Scripture is to do the same, to adopt the enemy. Those we think we could never love become the ones God uses. He shows us our deep need and failure as well as the depths of his love for us. My perceived enemy has now become the way of salvation."

(From Scott Roley, God’s Neighborhood: A Hopeful Journey in Racial Reconciliation & Community Renewal (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2004), 129.)


my birthday

i'll just show you the picture of renee's birthday gift to me and leave the rest up to your imagination.
WWW [rough draft]