On Ordination, capital letters and Facebook
Notice how I haven't been posting anything lately? Yeah, I noticed that, too. I can only say that I've been really busy, what with ordination to the diaconate in Boston, starting my real job as curate @ ASA, moving offices and apartments, and watching the inevitable collapse of the Red Sox (and it's not even August). So I apologize for those of you who actually read this blog semi-regularly (Hi, mom). Loads of change seem to keep me from being expressive in any way (which means this Sunday's sermon will likely suck). However, you probably also notice I'm using capital letters, which I promised my friend Rebekah I would do once I became a grown-up, got ordained and started a real job. Finally, I didn't want to completely unplug, so I've made myself a Facebook page. I'm surprised, but I like it. It's certainly less work than keeping up [RD], and it serves roughly the same purpose, which is just to tell the world whatever random thing I'm doing @ any given time. So come over and check in @ FB once in a while (sorry, but I think you have to click here, then sign up to see the page), but don't completely abandon this page. Maybe once I figure out exactly what a curate does, I'll have more time to post.
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Woohoo! Rebekah, you rock!
At 12:04 AM,
pmc said…
Sammy, good stuff, I just realized that you and Laura Fabs both have blogs!! I am excited to check out what you're thinking and doing...
(here's mine...)
http://santospopsicles.blogspot.com or www.petercarey.org
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